Monday, October 12, 2009

Emerald Green Arborvitae The Tree Of Life

The taxonomy of the plants classifies Emerald Green Arborvitae under Thuja Occidentalis. The scientific name of this tree is termed as ‘tree of life’. The name Tree of life came to origin as its resins has excellent medicinal values. The botanical name of this tree is termed as Thuja.

This tree is an evergreen plant and belongs to the family of cypress. The tree usually grows to a height of 12 to 14 feet and spreads about 3 to 4 feet. The tree has fan like branches with around 3-5 inches long scaly leaves. The flora structures in flat sprays and the cones are slim, yellow-green in color, and are 10-15 inches stretched and 4-5 inches broad. The tree grows upright and does not droop. During winters, animals like deer and many others totally depend on this tree for food. Emerald Green is not a drought resistant tree, and is widely grown in wet forests. This tree loves humid weather with regular rains, and it likes good root zone mulch.

The tree has excellent medicinal benefits that help to cure many diseases. The main use of the Emerald Green is in products, which treat skin problems and problems related to gastro urinary organs. It has a specific anti bacterial action that protects the human body from infections. Apart from these, it also has a positive impact on tumors, kidneys and blood. Emerald Green also comes into use in compressors of steam bath to cure arthritis, achy muscles and ease rheumatism. The inner parts of the bark help in preparing tea, which reduces constipation, treat bronchitis, severe headaches, colds and other respiratory problems. The external infusion will help in treating skin diseases like psoriasis and fungal infections.

The essential oil that we derive from the plant is put to use in cleansers, antiseptics, ointment or creams, soft soaps and even in room sprays. Pregnant women, without prior consultation of the doctor should not use the oil derived from the plant. Never use this oil for an aromatherapy as it contains toxins except under the observation of a qualified practitioner. This tree contains a neurotoxic element thujone, therefore internal use can prove to be extremely harmful and is not recommended. The wood of the plant have many uses; in building commercial products i.e. fencing, log cabins, poles, shingles, and posts. People also prefer to use its wood in structural elements like ribs, planking, in birch bark canoes and many more.

People mainly grow this tree as a decorative tree especially for the screens and hedges. There are over 300 cultivars of Emerald Green and the most popular among them are Degroot’s spire, Ellwangeriana, Hetz Wintergreen, Wareana and many more. Emerald Green is now widely cultivated across parks and gardens. This plant can tolerate extreme cold temperatures. The leaves of this tree turn brown during winters and green in springs. It is a slow growing tree and the seeds ripe in autumn. The seeds initially grow in the nursery, and later are moved from the nursery to the ground around mid spring.